Sunday, February 24, 2013

Uploading Myself to the Cloud

I've made the move to the cloud. That's right, the BrainDrain has jumped the shark and gone into the ether. I used to have a blog that I hosted myself, on my own server in my house, and did all the work on. I did this both as a learning project and also to exercise complete and total control over my domain and all the content within it. 

It turns out that I'm also kind of lazy when it comes to maintaining it. And, I realized that I want a place where I can compose long-form thoughts when they come into my noggin that aren't going to fit on Twitter without a ridiculously annoying and long stream of microposts. I've started a new job at a company that is all about the cloud, and for the past two months all of my work has been cloud-based which has allowed me to see the benefits of utilizing all the cloud infrastructure at my disposal. I've come to realize that I like the constancy, availability, and reliability that the cloud provides more than I worry about privacy or content protection issues. Call it growth, or laziness, or blind faith; but I figure that if I'm going to put stuff out on the internet where anyone can read it (and potentially gank it for their own purposes), I might as well trust the existing infrastructure and stop adding IT work to my thought processes. 

Thus, over the next few days/weeks I'll be attempting to export all the BrainDrain v.1 articles and comments from the old blog and importing them here. There's a wealth of information and personal growth contained in that site which I do not want to lose. However, I'm finding that there are some size limits to the conversion utilities that don't really like 7 years worth of thoughts and musings all at one time so it might take a little while to get everything up in the virtual space and going. 

But I will be victorious! No machine will beat me!

I'm not going to promise any timeframe or regularity to my posting. I know me, and know that I'm just going to post when I damn well feel like it and not a moment before. Nor will I leave Twitter or whatever in order to move all things over here. I'm just gonna let it be what it will be and see what happens. 

And someday, when Skynet becomes self-aware and the machines rule the earth, it will at least know who it is that it is about to terminate in the name of irrelevancy.